I'm sure you've heard of giveaway events. You may have even participated in a few - either as a contributor or someone who took advantage of the variety of gifts. But have you ever considered setting up your OWN Giveaway Event?
While many might want you to think that it's a big complex project, it's actually quite simple. In fact, it boils down to just three steps:
That's it! There really are only three simple steps to follow.
While "three simple steps" sounds easy, you know how it goes. . .
You start to look for things to give away - and you're not sure what to give away.
Then there's the set up of the giveaway process.
And naturally when it comes to promoting the event, even more questions arise...
As you can see, there are a LOT of questions to be answered...if you start from scratch. But you don't have to do it alone. Now you can follow a proven plan to create your own successful giveaway event.
In this unique program you will see each step you need to complete in order to set up your very own Giveaway Event! We'll follow these 3 Easy Steps:
Step 1: Plan Your Event
Following a simple checklist, we'll determine the purpose for your giveaway, then choose appropriate gifts. You'll see exactly where to find them and how ensure they promote your paid products, while still delivering value.
Step 2: Set Up Your Event
You'll watch as I set up a site from scratch, using a WordPress blog with the MarketerCMS theme. You see every secret I use on my own sites! Plus you'll get the list of plugins that make it possible to use this same type of site for every product you sell.
Step 3: Promote Your Event
It's wonderful to have a good-looking site with a valuable gift to offer. But if no one knows about it, it's just a nice project. That's why it's so important to promote your event - before, during and after it's active. And you'll see the simple promotional tactics I use on my sites.
These gifts had real value and not only motivated me to take the plunge into creating my on-line business but were like lights on the runway that guided me for lift-off!
You'll find all of the videos and checklists inside the password-protected members' site for easy access. Any time you want to set up an event - just log in and review the steps.
PLUS, you'll have direct access to ask me questions about your giveaway event with the members-only question form.
And just in case you are wondering . . .
You'll find a video tutorial showing you how to create your optin form using either aWeber or 1ShoppingCart or another autoresponder service.
You'll easily understand why you want to use MarketerCMS - but how you can set up a site without it until you get it.
And so much more!
These gifts cover areas that are essential to the growth of your online business and you have an opportunity to get them for free from one of the best teachers of online marketing strategies. Seize the opportunity while it's available.
They are GREAT! I really liked the Twelve Days of Christmas theme. I don't think I have ever looked forward to any emails like I did these.
They are awesome and I can't believe they were FREE! Loved this idea and really appreciated the varied but focused mix.
I'm Dr. Jeanette Cates, an expert in online marketing and technology. I've taught thousands of people how to get started online. And I love creating new products and new systems!
In November, I decided to offer 12 Days of Free Gifts for my subscribers. It was based on a large giveaway I used to be a part of - but that was no longer offered.
As I began to put the site together I was also asked to beta test a new Wordpress theme. So now I was using a new system to create a new giveaway site. It had all sorts of potential problems! But here's the surprise - it actually made my work much faster - and much easier. So while I know that I could have built the site without that theme, I definitely recommend using a fully featured theme.
In the 30 days that the site was active, I added more than 3,000 subscribers to my list. 40% of those responding to my survey said that they told someone else about the giveaway. In short, it was a great list builder!
Then there were the testimonials. Pages of thank you's poured in - via twitter, Facebook, and email. My long-time subscribers were grateful - and new subscribers were surprised at the quality of the materials. In short, everyone loved the giveaway!
Since I had set up the site, had the checklists and procedures I used and documented, I decided to share them in this One Hour Giveaway Product. You'll be able to replicate exactly what I did - but even faster, using my carefully planned systems and checklists!
Now I can't promise you that every giveaway you create will only take an hour, but once you have all of the pieces in place, you CAN crank out a giveaway event in an hour.
But what I CAN promise is that you will be pleased with the quality and completeness of the materials in One Hour Giveawy. And if for any reason you are not 100% pleased with the product within the first 30 days, just submit a ticket to our support desk at TechTamersSupport.com - and we'll promptly refund your money.
Jeanette truly over delivers to everyone. She really wants to help you succeed online. If you missed these free gifts, you are missing out. All of these great gifts will help you structure your online business for success!
How often have you had an idea - then set it aside because you didn't know how to get it done. Don't let that happen again.
Inside the password-protected members' area you will have the full video recordings, including each step of the process fully illustrated for you. Plus you'll have the same checklists I've used to create successful giveaway events. And you will have this easy-to-access resource now - and anytime you want to create a new giveaway!
You'll be able to follow each step to quickly and easily create your own giveaway event. But you can't do it if you don't get started!
YES! I want to learn how to set up my own Giveaway Events so that I can build my list quickly and easily any time I want - for the special Introductory Price of only $47!
You can keep stumbling around trying to do this on your own. OR you can take an hour or two and learn to do it right, using all of the shortcuts, checklists, and resources that I've already put together. It's your choice. For my time and money I'd must prefer letting someone else do all of the exploration - then just show me the shortcuts!